Friday, October 14, 2011

Exclusive 70 yrs

Till Dec 2000 , C was just another alphabet for me . Later i realized it is too powerful when one of the finest joke ever was born during our s1s2 C session.May be within a year, i clicked my first +1 for DR when i cleared the same in first attempt :-)

Years later i heard the same name while learning linux (some galz pronounce it lynex) and this time i had no doubts to add another +1.

Legends never die, DR will be with us for years to come .
No matter where you are , the whole world will speak your language for years !

Thursday, January 29, 2009

my first day @ lbs

I was really excited this morning as it was my first day with lbs.But unfortunately i was late by 30 minutes(Malabar Express being the culprit).Anyway after an hour i could see some arrangements for a meeting @ seminar hall and surprisingly it started without much delay.

Truly speaking i felt really bored 'n started scanning beautiful faces among the crowd.May be within an hour our princi managed to conclude the same.Later i came to know that he was talking about ragging as it was punishable from the year onwards.

We were then grouped branch wise with group tutor Mary Reena in lead.Just like a political possession we all followed her to classrooms,on the way she made some remarks on the ECE labs too. As always i preferred the 2nd row but the day 1 session ended soon with a personal introduction 'n a short class by Navas sir HOD ece.

But within few days i realized the fact that most of those beautiful faces i found in seminar hall were my classmates :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

പാഠം ഒന്നു ഒരു ഹാസ്യം

പറഞ്ഞു കേട്ട ഒരു കഥ അന്ന് കേട്ടോ ... പക്ഷെ പറഞ്ഞു കേട്ടപ്പോ നിങ്ങല്ലോട് പരയതിരിക്കന്നും വയ്യ എണ്ണ അവസ്ഥയില്‍ ആയി പോയി ...

സംഭവം നടന്നത് ഏകദേശം ഒരു കൊല്ലം മുന്പ് നവരാത്രി സമയത്താണ് .സ്ഥലം ഞാന്‍ കൃത്യമായി ഓര്‍ക്കുന്നില്ല പക്ഷെ കണ്ണൂര്‍ ജില്ലയിലെ ഏതോ ഒരു സ്ഥലതാന്നു !! . നവരാത്രി സമയം ആയതു കൊണ്ടു ഇത്തവണ ക്ലബ്ബിന്റെ വക വിദ്യാരംഭം സങ്ങടിപ്പിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട് . ക്ലബ്ബ് മെംബേര്‍സ് എല്ലാം ഒരുക്കി തീര്‍ക്കാനുള്ള തിരക്കില്ലാണ് . സമയത്തിന്നു മുന്പ് എഴുതാശന്‍ എഴുത്താണിയും ആയി നില്‍പ്പുണ്ട്‌ . ഇന്ന്‌ ഞാന്‍ കുറെ പിള്ളേരെ ക്ഷ ഞ വരപ്പിക്കും എണ്ണ മട്ടില്‍ അന്ന് പുള്ളിയുടെ നില്‍പ്പ് .

അങ്ങനെ എഴുതരംഭിച്ചു , ഒരു ചെറിയ ചെക്കന്‍ (കുട്ടി എന്നതിനു കണ്ണൂര്‍ ഭാഗത്തുള്ള പ്രയോഗം ) അന്ന് ആദ്യം ഇരുന്നത് . എഴുതാശാന്‍ പ്രാര്‍ത്ഥനയോടെ ചെക്കന്റെ കൈ പിടിച്ചു അരിയില്‍ "ഹരി ശ്രീ ഗണപതയേ നമഹ " എന്ന് എഴുതുകയന്ന്നു . പെട്ടെന്ന് എഴുതശാന്‍ അറിയാതെ ഒന്നു തുമ്മി .

തുമ്മിയതിനെക്കാള്‍ ശക്തിയില്‍ ആയിരുന്നു ചെക്കന്റ്റെ പ്രതികരണം "പിഴച്ചു പോയല്ലോ നായിന്റെ മോനേ !!! "
എഴുതശാന്നു മറുപടിക്ക് വാക്കുകള്‍ ഇല്ലായിരുന്നു ..കൂടെ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നവര്‍ക്ക് ചിരിക്കതിര്‍ക്കന്നും കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല .

Thursday, September 25, 2008

On her wedding day

On her wedding day...

It break my silence over rythm of life
Was not just a call , but her wedding bell
I could make out her words crafted in love
though she spelt the words of silence .
On the day i made my presence
with fragrance of old memories ..
I still remember her smile
a memorable gift for me

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Let them never intersect !

I was bit late to reach the station that day, in other words reserved ticket delayed me.Within in a few seconds train rushed into the platform and was received by a massive crowd but not as big & polite as one we see near Kerala State Beverages Corp shops.

Anyway i managed a space near the window.On a sudden i noticed a father's words nothing but "Daughter please don't stay near the steps, do move ahead". I could see a girl around 18 yrs standing near the door,trying to get in as if forced by the words.Bright sun shine drained the chance of rain besides the cloudy sky.I slowly moved to dreams along with light breeze.

It has been 3 hours now since i started.I just waved my eyes inside the coach and to my surprise i could see the girl accompanied by a guy. I felt bad since they were behaving beyond friendship thoughts. But was really shocked to see a tamil guy with his cell cam shutter left open. May be all these were mere coincidence but i could still hear those father's words as i walk along the platform...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

1+1 = 3 ??

We all were expecting a strike but nothing worth happened !. Mathematics lecturer entered our classroom with engg math text (Grewal).As usual he started his job 'n we got engaged in our business.

For the first time i saw a bujee sleeping in the class,truly speaking i was really happy with that scene.

Even though we are Communication students we used the traditional way of communication  inside the class locally called "chit". For those people who are totally confused with this term : Chit generally have header,body and each student behaves as mail servers. That day communication channels were working at its full strength so as to avoid network congestion. Suddenly it happened !!!

Our beloved sir noticed a guy sitting in the front bench passing chits.He came towards the guy as if is going to eat him and got the chit . Surprisingly he continued the class with out a single word. Later we found the secret behind the silence , nothing but the content of the chit was like this

"ithu vayikkunnavan kazhutha veendum vayikkunnavan mara kazhutha"

Sunday, April 6, 2008

She loves me ...

She danced around me all day
But I couldn’t talk, couldn’t smile
Suppressed my desires for long
It’s high time now, to be expressed

She looked me with red eyes
But I can’t, as long as she loves me.
She left the place a year ago
Was colorful to walk beside it.
But now it’s really dry.

Smiles of joy attracted many!
But I can't hear any.
I still walk beside it,
Hope I can hear her.